
Please cite all poem references: “Excerpt from ‘Suzie Bitner Was Afraid of the Drain’ by Barbara Vance.” Thank you!


I won’t pull up the weeds,
Won’t grab them by their heads,
Won’t rip their little bodies
From out the flower beds.

How would it make you feel
If someone said to you,
“You are a nasty, ugly thing;
I’m cutting off your view”?

They do not hurt the roses;
Your mums will stay intact.
A weed has feelings, too, you know.
We all do—that’s a fact!

I’m standing up for weeds
In gardens coast to coast.
I simply will not pull the weeds—
I’m not that kind of host.

~ Barbara Vance

Excerpt from the poetry collection “Suzie Bitner Was Afraid of the Drain”

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