Image of "The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies" poem from children's poetry book "Suzie Bitner Was Afraid of the Drain" by Barbara Vance

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The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies

The ultimate chocolate chip cookies
Have a center that’s gooey and warm;
They are always fresh out of the oven,
With a perfectly circular form.

The ultimate chocolate chip cookies
Have just as much chocolate as dough;
They’re cooked to a warm golden brown—
A secret that only moms know.

The ultimate chocolate chip cookies
Go best with some milk on the side
And always fit well in your pocket
(For the extras you’re trying to hide).

And though they say sharing is nice—
And I am inclined to agree—
I must say, I like them the best
When it’s only the cookies and me.

~ Barbara Vance

Excerpt from the poetry collection “Suzie Bitner Was Afraid of the Drain”

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